
It was still nothing short of a miraculous experience to have a more or less septic arthritic hip improve about 60% in the first 3 minutes. It is still improving and I have been pain free for the first time in 4 years… not to mention the happy bubble – the future of humanity is suddenly looking so bright!


I have more energy and clearer thoughts. I feel more centered, calmer and in a state of bliss. In the past cold damp weather sent my body into shock and I experienced significant pain and discomfort. This last cold snap however hardly affected my body… or my mental state.


My vision is pretty poor. I’ve been wearing glasses since the 4th grade. Had an eye exam today and I wasn’t seeing as well after putting my contact lenses in because my vision actually improved! I’m so in awe right now! The only thing I can attribute it to right now is Theraphi. Can’t wait to have another session!


My boy has hyper mobility which means he is double jointed. After  sessions in the Theraphi, we came home and the very next day he walked 10 steps from me to his nanny! We couldn’t believe it! Then he continued to walk back and forth.


I eased into the plasma field like moving into warm water.  I felt a crescendo of pressure in the head and the injured neck area.  I felt many old emotional issues being purged as they came up like weeds being plucked out of the garden of my mind.


I have traveled to the feet of many great masters, I have trekked through the Himalayan Kingdom of Bhutan meeting the great Sages, I have walked through the heart of hell and back seeking what the Theraphi was able to do in the first two sessions!  I looked into my own eyes and saw a clarity I hadn’t seen in years.


I’m happy to say I just returned from a three day experience of the Theraphi.  What a powerful and absolutely pronominal experience!  It far exceeded my expectations.


The hip pains and various joint pains that had also been bothering me disappeared and have not yet returned. In this period of stress I was also waking every two hours with the urge to urinate. This has been reduced to getting up once in the night and my sleep is more peaceful.


Pressure around my eyes and the back of my head were alleviated. My head feels lighter, clearer. The quality of my sleep improved after a few sessions. Calmer nerves… I feel quieter inside!


Tinnitus… the ringing in my right ear diminishes 85% immediately after a Theraphi session. Each consecutive session 20% accumulative improvement maintained.